The Joe McCulloch
Endowment For
Educational Excellence
When I was selected to succeed my friend and colleague Joe McCulloch as Dean of the LSU School of Allied Health Professions in Shreveport, I knew I had big shoes to fill. Not only is Joe an exceptional clinician, educator, and mentor, but he’d done more to unite the seven allied health programs under one roof than anyone before him. That’s why with Joe’s help I made it one of my first initiatives as Dean to support the Joe McCulloch Endowment for Educational Excellence.
Upon his retirement, a group of Joe’s colleagues, friends and family, and former students came together to establish the aforementioned McCulloch Endowment. With Joe’s blessing, we decided that his endowment will support educational initiatives that impact all of our students. It seemed like the perfect way to honor a man who did so much to bring our School of Allied Health Professions closer together. And thanks to the generosity of those initial donors, we are so close to raising enough money to complete the endowment and cement Joe’s enduring legacy, but we need your help to cross the finish line.
This year, please consider a tax deductible gift to the Joe McCulloch Endowment for Educational Excellence. Whether this is your first gift to support the LSU School of Allied Health Professions or just your latest, please know that we’ll be excellent stewards of your donation. Every dollar raised will be put towards the McCulloch endowment, and we’ll keep you apprised of our progress.

Sharon Dunn, PT, PhD
Dean of School of Allied Health Professions
Giving Form
Your gift powers our vision and helps the LSU Health Science Center in Shreveport remain at the forefront of healing, learning and discovering. Your generosity is helping to transform medicine and lives.
If you are interested in planned giving vehicles, gifts of stock or property, or endowment opportunities, please contact Jesse Gilmore at 318-861-0855 or visit our Ways to Give page for more information.
Many gifts made to LSUHS Foundation are eligible for TAF Priority Points. If you have an existing TAF ID number, or would like us to report your giving information to TAF in order to create one, please contact us via the TAF ID Submission Web Form.